Free Yearly Planner

A Free Notion Yearly Planner to help you plan your month in an easy and simplified way.

*pairs really well with the "Goals Notion Template"

This yearly planner comes with Quarterly Sections so you can plan each Quarter and even Reflect at the end of each one.

As well as reflect at the end of your year.


Categorized into:
Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4
Each page has sections for your Top Q Goals (personal + work). A way to identify which goals go into which month of the goal (this can be linked to your Monthly Planning Pages ^_^)

Year Reflections

Where you can reflect on the past year, your challenges, your wins, lessons learned and what you're most proud of this year.
This is the page I go to write after I write my "Life Goals" to decide which of them I'll add in this year's plan, and in which quarter, then in which month 👌🏼

End of Quarter Review

It also includes an end of Quarter Review so you can reflect back on the past 3 months with your Wins, Challenges, Most Grateful For, and Lessons Learned.